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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Is it love?

You have been battling in the dating war for some now- armour always on, when, suddenly, you realise that something is different. What is this I am feeling? Could it be the "L" word??? Here are some signs that you may have, in fact, been bitten by the Love Bug:

  1. The past is suddenly the past. You stop comparing your new guy to your ex. You clear out all reminders of him/her. You find out your ex in engaged, and you are actually happy for them. Yep, you're over them!
  2. You don't notice anyone else. That George Clooney look-a-like from accounting walks in and you don't even bat an eye. Yep, you are smitten with someone else!
  3. You don't notice the socks on the floor. Or her annoying laugh is suddenly cute. Or whatever annoying thing that would have been a deal-breaker with anyone else, is suddenly no big deal, Yep, you have love goggles on!
  4. Big or small, you share it all! You discuss not only the promotion you got (or didn't get) today, but also what was for lunch and the crazy lady you saw on the subway. Suddenly you want to know everything and share every detail. Yep, you're hooked!
  5. You're not at the kid's table anymore! At every wedding, family reunion, or holiday, you bring them along. They've met all the family, and still accept you? This is a big one folks! Yep, you can now tell Aunt Gladys that you met a 'nice boy'.
  6. Share and share alike. You not only start to show an interest in whatever your partner does, but you are also totally happy to share a blanket, some popcorn and a netflix. Yep, you're hooked!

Do any of these things describe you? well, congratulations! You, my friend, have found love! Any other sign you use to know when it's 'the real deal'? We'd love to hear about it!

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