Here at Great Expectations, we look at and analyse profiles on a daily basis. Our goal is always to make sure each profile is going to attract the right type of person one is looking for, and maximize exposure. Here are just some of the things we look at when putting the profile together:
1. Is this person approachable? Make sure your look is confident, not cocky. Sweet, not sarcastic. Great setting...approachable, approachable, approachable!
2. Good looks are important too. Let's not kid ourselves, we are all visual creatures! Profile photos should also have a good face and good body profile. If you have a better angle, make sure to show that off. And girls, men love hair! Loose, flowing hair is always attractive.
3. Clothing counts. Remember, you are not dressing for a a job interview. Dress as you would for a date. Ladies, the more casual the better- if you can look good in a t-shirt and jeans, then we know you can look good dressed to the nines. Men, ladies love a man in a suit! Solid colors work best in photos, except black or white white will wash you out or age you, and make sure the clothing fits and is not outdated. Sleeveless is also a no-no, no matter how much you work out, it still can be un-flattering. Also, dress appropriately for your age; Twenty-somethings need not wear a turtleneck, and sixty-somethings need not wear that halter top.
4. Show your personality! Do you like to golf? Then take some photos with your clubs! Baseball nut? Then strike a pose with your bat. Like the life in the fast lane? Then pose on your motorcycle! Let them see the real you. Just make sure your favorite hobby is only reflected in one photo- you are about more than your hobbies!
5. Flirt! Remember, you aren't applying for a job or posing for an ad in the JcPenney catalog, this is to attract the person you are seeking! Flirt a little with the camera... make them want to know what you are thinking!
6. Lighting matters. Natural light with the appropriate flash is most flattering (use a professional!), especially at dusk. Inside photos with too much flash can add years to your appearance. Also, natural landscape is flattering: trees, flowers, the ocean attract the eye.
So, once you put all these tips to use, you will surely have the best profile on the block!
Need a great photographer to help you with this? We have the best dating profile photographer around! You can view his work at . Call Heather at 561-603-9251 to schedule an appointment today!
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