- Make a list. While this blogger doesn't particularly believe in The Secret, I do believe you can't get what you want if you don't ask for it. So make a list. Write down all the qualities in the person you are seeking, and be specific. Instead of "good looking," try "makes me laugh." Instead of "must have an MBA, try "can have intelligent conversations." Putting it down on paper not only makes you really think about whats truly important, but puts it out there in the universe to come back to you.
- Love yourself. Not to sound hokey, but you really can't find true love with someone else, until you love yourself. Finding someone will never make you whole. You have to both be whole first. Focus on your own personal goals, whether it be to lose weight, get that promotion at work, or finally finish master the art of photography. The love you show for yourself will show and will attract others to you.
- Equally, Lose the negativity. Stop holding on to the grudges, the mistakes made by the ones who scorned you. All that negative energy shows and repels new love away from you. Instead of "I'll never find someone," try "this is MY year!" Believe in the power of positive thinking. Remember, things may not always turn out the way you planned, but the always end up the way they were supposed to.
- Be open. Let it be known that you are single and looking. Let friends, family and coworkers (and Great Expectations!) fix you up. You never know who you are going to have chemistry with, so just go for it. If no love match is made, it was one meeting. You never know, this person could become a great resource for work, or even a tennis partner. Your girlfriend wants to go speed dating? GO! The more you network, the better the change of meeting Mr. Wonderful!
- Know your patterns. Always fall for the bad-boys? Always give 110% and never receive in a relationship? Always forget about your girlfriends when you fall in love? Then make this the year to change all of that. We all have patterns we fall into in a relationship. Be aware of yours and know the signs. Make a pact with your girlfriends that they will tell you if you slip up and fall into the same routines.
Happy New Year to all from your friends at Great Expectations Boca Raton!