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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Singles New Years Resolutions

Here at Great Expectations Boca Raton, we are gearing up for another fantastic year! 2010 brought us 5 weddings, and  already have at least 5 weddings in the works for 2011! Now is also the time when everyone starts making those New Years Resolutions: lose weight, pay off debts, find true love... Well, we can't help with the first two, but we put together a list of Singles New Years Resolutions to help you on your path to true love:
  1. Make a list. While this blogger doesn't particularly believe in The Secret, I do believe you can't get what you want if you don't ask for it. So make a list. Write down all the qualities in the person you are seeking, and be specific. Instead of "good looking," try "makes me laugh." Instead of "must have an MBA, try "can have intelligent conversations." Putting it down on paper not only makes you really think about whats truly important, but puts it out there in the universe to come back to you.
  2. Love yourself. Not to sound hokey, but you really can't find true love with someone else, until you love yourself. Finding someone will never make you whole. You have to both be whole first. Focus on your own personal goals, whether it be to lose weight, get that promotion at work, or finally finish master the art of photography. The love you show for yourself will show and will attract others to you.
  3. Equally, Lose the negativity. Stop holding on to the grudges, the mistakes made by the ones who scorned you. All that negative energy shows and repels new love away from you. Instead of "I'll never find someone," try "this is MY year!" Believe in the power of positive thinking. Remember, things may not always turn out the way you planned, but the always end up the way they were supposed to.
  4. Be open.  Let it be known that you are single and looking. Let friends, family and coworkers (and Great Expectations!) fix you up. You never know who you are going to have chemistry with, so just go for it. If no love match is made, it was one meeting. You never know, this person could become a great resource for work, or even a tennis partner. Your girlfriend wants to go speed dating? GO! The more you network, the better the change of meeting Mr. Wonderful!
  5. Know your patterns. Always fall for the bad-boys? Always give 110% and never receive in a relationship? Always forget about your girlfriends when you fall in love? Then make this the year to change all of that. We all have patterns we fall into in a relationship. Be aware of yours and know the signs. Make a pact with your girlfriends that they will tell you if you slip up and fall into the same routines.
So, there you go. A few resolutions to get you on the right path to true love. May 2011 be YOUR year! Have you made any singles resolutions of your own? We'd love to hear your thoughts! Tell us in the comments below.

Happy New Year to all from your friends at Great Expectations Boca Raton!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dating During the Holidays...Part 2

So you have a new love this Holiday season...Great! Now what?! Here are some tips to help you through your first Holiday Season together:

1. Gifts.
This is a tough category for many new couples who may be in the early stages of dating. Casual dating does not necessarily equal a gift, but if you are exclusive and committed, then yes, a gift is appropriate. This does not mean that it had to be large and extravagant. Something thoughtful, but something they would appreciate. Maybe they have mentioned a gadget or trinket they covet, a new book by her favorite author, his favorite bottle of scotch are all good choices. Even better are tickets to an event that you two can share together. Whether it's a sporting event or a Broadway show, an event you can share together will leave you both with memories that last a lifetime. What not to give? Gym memberships and exercise equipment will always backfire on you. Equally, lingerie may send the wrong message about your relationship and where it is going. Men, when in doubt, a little blue box with a white ribbon is always a safe bet! ;)

2. Family Gatherings.
When contemplating whether to invite your new significant other to family gatherings, consider the following: Is he/she going to be the only non-family member present? Is it a formal sit-down event? An odd family tradition that will make him/her uncomfortable? Will they have to sit through 6 hours of grampas stories or the opening of every cousins gifts Maybe let them pass on this event. Is it a cocktail party with both family and friends? Then this may be more appropriate for your new sweetie!

3. The Office Party.
As excited as you may be to show Gladys from accounting your new stud, this may not be the appropriate time or place. Again, some key factors to consider: Is your company budget conscious? Then a date may not be welcome by the big-wigs. Will your date get along with your co-workers? Remember, you will be the only one they know, so make sure they can mingle without being strapped to your side the whole night! Remember this is a work event, so if your sweetie tends to get a little out of control when punch is involved, you may not want to include him just yet, as he IS a reflection of you.....and that promotion you've had your eye on!

4. Differing Beliefs.
If you’re seeing someone that has a different religious belief, holiday dating can highlight conflicts in your spiritual thought process/beliefs. The key to avoiding problems is to be open and honest about your comfort level at all times. Don’t feel obligated to go to your date’s house of worship if you feel uncomfortable partaking in the religious rituals. As long as you are open and communicate your concerns you both can have a better time getting through the holiday season. It may also allow you the opportunity to see if you are both compatible in this area and if your relationship has the potential to last.

5. Work, Work and more Work!
This is also the time of year when a large majority of us will get a few weeks off, but until then, we work 'round the clock to get all of our projects done before then. Or we have end of year reports that need to be turned in before the New Year. This adds a whole other level of stress to not only the Holiday Season, but also a new relationship. This is good test of your lasting potential. Remember to be open and honest with your sweetie and let them know that is has nothing to do with them, and soon they will have you all to themselves!

Happy New Year from your friends at Great Expectations. May 2011 bring you all the Joy, Love and Happiness you deserve!

Dating during the Holidays....Part 1

For some, being single during the holidays can be tough, or it can be a great way to get out and meet new and interesting people. Here are some tips to assist you in making that love connection during the holidays:

1. Let everyone know you are single!
It’s the perfect time of year to broadcast to your friends that you single and searching and that you are available to accompany another single person to a holiday event should they need a date. Announce to your family that you’re single this holiday season, and because of that, you might invite someone to the festivities who is also single but doesn’t have family living close by to celebrate with. In the end, get the word out and expand your social network.

2. Accept every holiday invitation.
Unless a holiday party is a challenge to get to or you know an “ex” will be present, make a point of accepting every holiday invitation that comes your way – no matter how unusual, far fetched or random. In fact, the more events you attend the more comfortable you will become to step outside of your safety zone and expose yourself to new groups of people.

3. Be prepared for spontaneous Holiday Cheer!
As a single person, it may be assumed that your calendar is much more flexible than a parent with three kids. Therefore it may not be uncommon for someone like yourself to receive last-minute invites to holiday functions. Make sure you have one or two holiday outfits ready to wear that are clean, appropriate and festive.

4. Reconnect with old friends.
If you must have a date for an event, it is perfectly fine to consider an old friend or someone you know that is also single and searching. The evening can be a fun way to stroll around and socialize. Tell your single friend that you’ll be game to be their “date” for the next holiday gathering s/he might be invited to. It’s a great way to network and meet new people!

5. Plan for mistletoe and stolen kisses.
If you are single, there is no harm in hanging around the Mistletoe. This way, you can strike up a conversation about the silly mistletoe tradition and even cop a few great kisses! While many of the recipients may not be what you’re looking for, you never know….. people meet in the strangest places and you might just like someone that has been strolling around throughout the night. Hopefully, you can make eye contact with them and get them to walk over to your locale….under the mistletoe!

So, see, being single during the Holidays is not necessarily a bad thing! Get out there are spread that holiday cheer, and I bet this time next year you won't be single any longer!

Happy Holidays from your friends at Great Expectations!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Success Story: Kevin & Adelia

Nothing makes me happier than getting that phone call from a member that they are putting their membership on "freeze" with another member. Well, maybe when I get that that phone call that they are getting married, that REALLY makes me happy! We had a Summer of Love here in Boca, with a few weddings and a few more engagements. I'll be sharing the stories and photos as I get them.

Here is our latest Success Story: Kevin and Adelia.

We want to thank you guys for introducing us.  I must say, all of your efforts resulted in meeting quality people and I would highly recommend your service to other people who seek love and marriage.

Adelia and I married on October 5, 2010.  We hope to finally buy our new home and if all goes well we look to start a family very soon.  Thanks to all who assisted us and best to you in your endeavors.


Kevin and Adelia, we wish you nothing but all the joy and happiness you deserve.

Your Boca GE Staff

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Is it love?

You have been battling in the dating war for some now- armour always on, when, suddenly, you realise that something is different. What is this I am feeling? Could it be the "L" word??? Here are some signs that you may have, in fact, been bitten by the Love Bug:

  1. The past is suddenly the past. You stop comparing your new guy to your ex. You clear out all reminders of him/her. You find out your ex in engaged, and you are actually happy for them. Yep, you're over them!
  2. You don't notice anyone else. That George Clooney look-a-like from accounting walks in and you don't even bat an eye. Yep, you are smitten with someone else!
  3. You don't notice the socks on the floor. Or her annoying laugh is suddenly cute. Or whatever annoying thing that would have been a deal-breaker with anyone else, is suddenly no big deal, Yep, you have love goggles on!
  4. Big or small, you share it all! You discuss not only the promotion you got (or didn't get) today, but also what was for lunch and the crazy lady you saw on the subway. Suddenly you want to know everything and share every detail. Yep, you're hooked!
  5. You're not at the kid's table anymore! At every wedding, family reunion, or holiday, you bring them along. They've met all the family, and still accept you? This is a big one folks! Yep, you can now tell Aunt Gladys that you met a 'nice boy'.
  6. Share and share alike. You not only start to show an interest in whatever your partner does, but you are also totally happy to share a blanket, some popcorn and a netflix. Yep, you're hooked!

Do any of these things describe you? well, congratulations! You, my friend, have found love! Any other sign you use to know when it's 'the real deal'? We'd love to hear about it!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

How to pick a great dating profile photo

Here at Great Expectations, we look at and analyse profiles on a daily basis. Our goal is always to make sure each profile is going to attract the right type of person one is looking for, and maximize exposure. Here are just some of the things we look at when putting the profile together:

1. Is this person approachable? Make sure your look is confident, not cocky. Sweet, not sarcastic. Great setting...approachable, approachable, approachable! 

2. Good looks are important too. Let's not kid ourselves, we are all visual creatures! Profile photos should also have a good face and good body profile. If you have a better angle, make sure to show that off. And girls, men love hair! Loose, flowing hair is always attractive.

3. Clothing counts. Remember, you are not dressing for a a job interview. Dress as you would for a date. Ladies, the more casual the better- if you can look good in a t-shirt and jeans, then we know you can look good dressed to the nines. Men, ladies love a man in a suit! Solid colors work best in photos, except black or white white will wash you out or age you, and make sure the clothing fits and is not outdated. Sleeveless is also a no-no, no matter how much you work out, it still can be un-flattering. Also, dress appropriately for your age; Twenty-somethings need not wear a turtleneck, and sixty-somethings need not wear that halter top.

4. Show your personality! Do you like to golf? Then take some photos with your clubs! Baseball nut? Then strike a pose with your bat. Like the life in the fast lane? Then pose on your motorcycle! Let them see the real you. Just make sure your favorite hobby is only reflected in one photo- you are about more than your hobbies!

5. Flirt! Remember, you aren't applying for a job or posing for an ad in the JcPenney catalog, this is to attract the person you are seeking! Flirt a little with the camera... make them want to know what you are thinking!

6. Lighting matters. Natural light with the appropriate flash is most flattering (use a professional!), especially at dusk. Inside photos with too much flash can add years to your appearance. Also, natural landscape is flattering: trees, flowers, the ocean attract the eye.

So, once you put all these tips to use, you will surely have the best profile on the block!

Need a great photographer to help you with this? We have the best dating profile photographer around! You can view his work at . Call Heather at 561-603-9251 to schedule an appointment today!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Passion is key

Passion is key in finding a true match. No, not that type of passion (although that doesn't hurt either). I am talking about the passion you have for whatever it is that you love to do. Whether it be a sport, a craft, an art or just watching Hell's Kitchen every Wednesday night. Whatever it is that you do that you are passionate about, keep doing it. Don't try something new to impress someone, or think you need to be someone else to catch someones eye. If you are true to yourself, that passion shows, and will attract the right type of person for you in the end. Ever notice when someone is passionate about something, they are more animated, talk a little louder, have a twinkle in their eye? So go ahead, write that book, watch your team win (or lose), catch up on your painting projects. You'll soon realise that you've lost track of time and trust me, that passion will show, and it will attract the right person for you. Preferably, one who also watches Hell's Kitchen!